The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of 2024 with Jason Kapadia, Jen Campbell and Jag Sharma - E82
336 days ago, we made our bold predictions for what 2024 might bring us - it’s time to look back on just how the year surprised us…
This episode of Disconnected covers:
The promising notion of automation seen with robots and autonomous vehicles
Huge cybersecurity blunders that marked the year
The AI-generated content rife on our feeds, for better or worse
Episode Highlights:
“What I was predicting was that people would pick one AI-based search tool and stick with it. What I didn't really allow for was the fact that the likes of Google and Bing and everybody else would also bring in their own tools.” - 4:15 - Jen Campbell
“If you search for AI movie trailers, you'll see a whole bunch, but they're just trailers to films that are never gonna be made.” - 15:05 - Jason Kapadia
“My first prediction was that AI would cause cybersecurity headaches and incidents - a Hong Kong staff member was duped into a video call where he transferred $25m to fraudsters.” - 22:00 - Jag Sharma
“There was backlash to the Coca Cola AI ad - did it need to be created by AI, or did they just do it for award entries?” - 28:40 - Jen Campbell
Links & references:
Jen Campbell:
Jag Sharma:
Jason Kapadia: